MSI Headquarters
The MSI New Headquarters project is intended to be a NetZero Energy and LEED Gold Certified new building, designed as an infill building on an existing industrial site. The building strives to respond to the climate and surrounding environment, while allowing for opportunities to add green space to what is currently all paved parking lot.
The building will connect to an existing distribution warehouse and convert the concrete courtyard between the two existing buildings onsite into a welcome oasis, complete with water feature, to over evaporative cooling benefits and a space for biophilia where employees can recharge.
The new building will work with the Southern California climate and respond to the surrounding environment by means of exterior sun shading devices, high performance glass, proper solar orientation, and shading of the building by solar photovoltaic panels. The interior of the building is designed to incorporate finish materials that are wither low or no VOC, with at least 5 materials that have gone through Life Cycle Assessments and have Environmental Product Declarations. To round out the project, storm water will be collected on site and retained until it naturally percolates back into the local aquifer.